Shared Starter

$1.57 USD
3 GB SSD Storage 100 GB Bandwidth 1.5 GB Physical Memory 1 Core CPU 5 MB/s I/O Single Website 20 Entry Process 100 Number of Process

Shared Dynamic

$2.41 USD
5 GB SSD Storage 250 GB Bandwidth 2 GB Physical Memory 1.5 Core CPU 10 MB/s I/O 2 Website 20 Entry Process 100 Number of Process

Shared Business

$4.00 USD
10 GB SSD Storage 300 GB Bandwidth 3 GB Physical Memory 3 Core CPU 25 MB/s I/O 5 Website 25 Entry Process 100 Number of Process

Shared Pro

$6.50 USD
20 GB SSD Storage 450 GB Bandwidth 4 GB Physical Memory 4 Core CPU 40 MB/s I/O 10 Website 40 Entry Process 100 Number of Process